"leave your mark"

These are thoughts, ideas, events, people and pictures that have inspired or left their mark on me and hopefully will you too...Images on this site are for inspiration only and are not affiliated with G Three Slash unless I took them of course. All sources should be specified in writing or linked to the source they were pulled from. Please contact bonnie@g3slash.com if a photo belongs to you and you would like it taken down or linked to your website. Copyright © 2012 www.g3slash.com All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring Break 2012!!!

My friends Katie, Kat and I have been out of school for several years now, and although we got what most would call our fill of spring break trips/parties we feel like one could never get enough spring break.  We made each other a promise back in college that we would always "spring break" no matter how old we got. So we do.  And we feel justified, dammit. Plus Kat missed a few back in college so we are on this constant impossible mission for her to catch up. Which works out well since we are spread across the country now and will use any excuse to reunite. Well this year was no exception, with the exception that we celebrated spring break three times. In a month and a half. Here are a few snapshots from a crazy, fun, friend and debauchery filled "spring break" sagas Parts 1, deux, and 3:

Part 1: California knows how to party. Well if they didn't, they do now!
We spent the weekend in LA and Malibu.  We heard Santa Monica was nice this time of year. Our reunion swiftly commenced concerts, beaches, biker bars and jam sessions...

Part Deux: #BAM (Bonnie Awareness Month)
Let me set up the synopsis. VEGAS.  Ok, so I live here and it might not sound so exciting after hearing that  but lemme tell ya, we painted the town red along with every other color under the sun. I am beyond blessed to have had so many of my friends join in on a weekend filled with delicious dinners, fun concerts, bars, boobs, booze, fake mustaches, Polaroid pictures, lap giraffes... it was a freak show. The best of its kind with wonderful gifts, but the best part of it all were the people I spent it with :)

Part 3: Texas Tornado:
Texas did greet us with a few tornadoes.  Luckily far enough north that it didn't effect our trip (prayers to the people it did effect). Long story short... this one goes as follows:
-Keep Austin Weird
-R.V. L.I.V.I.N (Mathew Mcconaughey voice)
-Round Top Antiques Week
- Mermaids (a blog post in and of itself... stay tuned)
-Shop till we dropped
- Junk Gypsy Junk O Rama Prom
- Drive like hell to get there