The past couple of months have been somewhat stressful for me... Partly due to transitions in my career and partly from my most recent fear of the unknown.
I never used to be so scared of the unknown. It excited me, I welcomed it. But for some reason the last couple of months have left me questioning every decision, second guessing my gut, and existing in an anxious anguish.
I made a career decision that should be a no-brainer looking in from the outside . Internally for me however, the change and the unknown of my future had me so full of fear that I had trouble sleeping at night. What if this position isn't for me? What if they don't like me and let me go? How will I eat? How will I pay my bills? How will I buy new shoes?!
Going into an important marketing meeting today where I was to present my forecast and plan for the next two quarters a sudden calm came over me. I realized that I DO know what I'm doing, I AM capable of being valuable to this organization and GOD hasn't taken me this far to leave me. Which reminds me of the Bible Verse Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
I will no longer sow or reap or store away my fears. I will be nervous about things sometimes, but no longer will I let fear feed me. Not in my career, not in my relationships, not in my friendships nor in my pursuit of the unknown.